Monday, January 17, 2005

Moving On

Avid readers..I've moved to another site...latest updates!!

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 3:12 PM | 0 comments

Friday, January 07, 2005

Happy New Year!!

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 3:40 PM | 0 comments

Back Home Again

Here I am ...writing about the days of my lives.
I'm back.Back home..back to my own roots.Here I am...blogging once again.
After a long time...a really long time.
I've been away during the whole month of Dec.
I was in India,Kolkata for 2 weeks.I was there for an expedition.
Kolkata's Daughter was a success!
After the expedition, I went off to Darjeeling for a week.
I miss India...really.
Everything is so simple there...I feel so shit.
Just living a contented life there.Though at times its tough.

Here I am again...back to square one.Where everything is so competitive.
So much hassle.So much things to do.Fast paced life.
I'm feeling so drained out now.Tired..restless.
Its 2005 now..and I've yet to make a new year resolution.And I have this feeling inside me that..somehow..I'm going to do something right for myself.

Afterall...I'm turning 21 this year.A huge decision to make in life.
Questions questions questions...unanswered.
I wanna do so many things..but feel there's little time and money.
Damn damn danm...I wonder if 2005 would be a good year.
Afterall..I had the most wonderful new year celebration in Darjeeling!

till then...
I'm gonna stop writing now.Feeling drowsy..its the cough medications I just took.

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 3:24 PM | 0 comments

Monday, November 29, 2004

Here I Go Again...TAUFIK WON!!!

Alrite people..I'm finally back from my trip around the world!!(Yeah right)
Anyways..for all those people who have been wondering wat I've been up to late..well..honestly,I've been working with my mum,teaching nite class on most of the week days and my neverending India meeting...and my weekend are spent visiting my relatives.(Taufik won!!)

Okay..DEc1...I went to the indoor stadium to catch the Singapore Idol!!Yeah..I'm in the idol craze and proud of it!I always knew he'd be the winner!!Taufik...Aw...ahahah.Show was overwhelming!!!Weird fans...crying fans..crazy SLY fans...haha.Gals screaming at the top of their lung...almost burst my eardrums!I think these mad fan have got lungs of steels!!Can sream for the whole 3hrs!!Madness!!WICKED!!!Even before the show started...Young gals were shouting..encouraging people to vote for SLY."Vote for SLY!!Vote for SLY!!"...macam they goin for a rally.Gila...SIAoO..!!

Too much weird stories to type in here.Wateva it is..TAUFIK WON!!!My mum's colleague..I call her Auntie Muna...she had signs pasted all over the office!!"Vote for Taufik!!"The signs were everywhere man...on my boss's mum's door...the toilet..the pantry area..printing was everywhere man!!Madness!!!

But hell..TAUFIK WON!!WOOhoo...I jumped off my seat when they announced the winner.Oh gawdy...Tau is so adorable up close!!!I managed to move to the VIP area after the second half of the show.I could see..The Chipmunk Khoo,Mother Mya,Nigger Leandra,Chris POO..Miss Steady Boom PiPi...up close.They look good except BEVERLY!!Her hair sucks!!and she's freaking yucky!!Ew...Anyway..really glad that Singaporean voted for FIQ...he's the right choice!He went the long way...but its all worth it!!

Thanks to whoever voted for Taufik Batisah!!Nw nw...remember to but his album!!Continue supporting local acts...aite people??

Till then...


inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 1:55 AM | 0 comments

Monday, November 08, 2004

Ladies Nite...

LAst week...ladies nite out..with 2 cute buddies of mine!!We gals were groped by some mungent.But we're fine..we settles it!I..likewise was furious and wanted to slap the fucker with my sandals!!But..dressed all lady like that day...I just sat at my chair and waved my fingers ard!!haha...Bugger had a piece of my mind!!He better watch out the next time...I better not see him ard in Phuture.Phuture ain't for pervert's cheap thrills!!

Now..besides was just an enjoyable nite out with the gals.Looking forward to this week's dose of crazy nite!!

Till then..u guys have a good time!!



Sharul just had to spoil the picture la!!Hmph!!

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 3:17 AM | 0 comments

Monday, November 01, 2004

John's Bday...1 Nov 2004

Firstly..Happy Birthday John!!

After a long day at was off to Beach Bar @ Muhamad Sultan.But first..headed down to Cosi Cafe to have my favourite drink..SEXY SanGria!!hehe

::The Beach Bar
The occasion:John's 20th Birthday
Was one chill out nite basically...everybody was tired but it was all good!John had a sudden flu...poor dude.
Nic and myself bought a cake for him 2 shirts for him.

Here more pics for your guys to indulge in...hehe

::SeXy SanGria...getting into that mood..ya knw..ya knw!!haha

::Here's Nic again with..Wink and stick out tongue pose!!hehe

::Tat's Donovan,Barz and ex neighbour..Ben's too busy airing his armpits!

::Darren is high...while I'm trying to look pretty for the camera!! bar..=Slackers with nonsense!!

::Marcus attempting to carry the chair!!"Eh Marcus..stop acting macho can??"

::Who's the Dracula??

::Is that John scratching Darren's aHEm??

::I'm just waiting for him to blow out the candles!!heheheheheeh

::Barry and his Malibu dreams...

::Alvin and Darren had too much to drink!!Role model for the

::The only nite he could be CatMan...Meow~"MaLe Puss!!" was a good nite la.It was halloween so yeah...we poked fun on people on the streets!!Saw an ang moh dude dressed as a woman..damn muscular..a flasher..who flashed himself at us!!Flashing his "wolf"...lots of draculas,gothic chick,pontianak..damn way too many wicked costumes I saw at MS!!Wicked!!But keep it to the original people...Salute to the Bengs and Lians!!Who still manage to steal a few stares without dressing up much!!lol

Aite off to bed nw.

Am gonna attempt to fast later..hehe..lets just see...

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 2:59 AM | 0 comments

Another nite of madness

Clubbing on Friday...I guess was the most fun and happening.Why?Uhm...for once...ahem...I misbehaved!!lol...yeah Nic,Rishi and the guys stood me up..well..not all of them but yeah..last minute they didn't make it.But that didn't stop me...cause I've got Eunice!!wahahaha...and my bro and his frens were around.Phuture's crowd was weirdos or was wicked!Dance the whole nite away and again..I can't help myself to a few shots!!lol.. wat happened on Friday?

Well...lets just say that the theory that "Hera's an Indian magnet" is true...Bleah!!!

::Anehs for all seasons!!

Four indian fat..2 skinny alrite..but all were cute except the fat one!! not proud of myself for fooling ard..but I wanted some fun la.So aneh started...ahem from the back la.K..nuff said..too long to tell!!Danced with him..and left him alone and started dancing with another fren...aneh bored..left.Came back again...danced with him...stopped half way..went to a guy fren close to me.This time..aneh alone again.Went to look for his thing.K..I knw...not nice of me to do so la..but hey...I'm just playing!!lol...Hm...naughty naughty...

Then came Timmy and fren..forgot his name.Met them last Wed..danced with them again.haha..but its all good!I bumped into Dust,Lai and Samuel...surprised to see them!!Had fun with to know a few more peeps that day.Too many..too many!

Nite was WICKED and MADNESS!!!I like...

::Paid a price for whole body was aching the next day and I was really tired!

Here's some pics that we took on Wed and Friday.

::The bunch on Wednesday...ladies nite.Eunice left early...

::On Friday...tats Eddie...met him at Phuture.hehe..Cute rite?Eun looking hot!!heheh

::Tats Ming!!Cool dude la..helped me took care of the ladies!!

::Timmy's fren..Princeton?Winston?Can't remember la..but met him again on Fri.

Aite pple...enuff said!!Have a gd wk!!

Ps:I'm gonna cut the extra strands for my fringe!!Its annoying!!Well..u knw wat I mean la..frm some of the pics!ArgH!!!!!!!

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 1:56 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Madness..wicked...I like!!

Oh man...I've got a blister on my toe...its hurts..but its all good!!wahahahah
Just got back from Phuture...great fun!!Had drinks with the gals..Eunice and Nicole at Newsroom Bar before heading down to Phuture.We had a few tequila shots!!Madness...but its all good!!haha...Fi and Marcus came down...finally!!Managed to tempt MArcus Soh to come down...reasons being...

1)Its ladies nite.
2)He can fish.
3)To protect us gals
4)I bought a jug of beer just for him!!(Hmph!!)

But despite giving in to his temptation..he was too "shy" to come bcoz he would be the only guy.And so..somehow..he managed to drag Fi along...despite Fi's protest that he wont be clubbing during the fasting month!! Fi..bullshit!!!

But its all good..for my bud,its all worth it.In fact...everyone got a treat from me...hehe.
So for those who didn't join us,BOOHOO!!!wahahaha

So was till I had blister.Bumped into a few frens,Matt la..his bro la..his cousin la..aiyah..think he's whole family there la!!hahaha..all cute!!Opps..nic dun tell!!!

A certain someone was dancing her nite away with a certain cute fella.haha...Damn...I was stuck with the dudes!!Bleah....

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 4:23 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Its been awhile...

Hey avid readers of "Lost within my own Reality"!!
I'm Back...its been awhile..I knw.
Been too lazy to blog.
Nothin much happened...nothing really bad.
All's good..good good.
Exams are over...finally.haha
Term break is on now...and I intend to make full use of it!!
Work,club,relax,catch up with frens,holiday and self dscovery.

From this date till dec 10...I'll be in town.
I'll be goin INDIA...yeap...INDIA for 2 weeks.
I signed up for a expedition organized by the Singapore International Foundation.
I've had people telling me.."You sure you wanna go India?""You cannot even survive a day!""Its so not Hera to do voluntary work!"..etc..

Damn you all for under estimating me!Hmnph...ah well..
I thought it be fun to go...definitely this trip gonna be an eye opener for me.
And PEOPLE!!!I'm so looking forward to this trip.
Just so you dun knw...underneath the .."hera is spoilt" attitude..
lies a person who is actually a feminist!Yeap..its just that I don't show it to you people.But do I have to?hehe

The only sad part is that I'm goin to miss the Christmas dinner with the guys!
And I'm not sure if I'll be spending my New Year with the guys too!!
I'm thinking to extend my stay in India.Thought of going Mumbai after the expedition in Calcutta.And after that head down to Goa..the so called..Awesome..yuppies paradise!!HEard its something so much better than Pattaya...the beaches are beautiful and the people are nice.So yeah...and they do have a full moon party there!So I'm spend the New Year there...partying by the beach!!hehe..but of course..I'll have to miss a week of school.Ah well...the extended trip is not confirmed tentatively...I guess I'll be coming back on the DEc 26.

Oh lastly,I'm anticipating my TP test on DEc29 2004!!!Woohoo!!Been waiting for this day for a really long time!!Hm...but if I'm goin to Goa...I have to change my TP date later..meaning after the new year. dec dilemma nw...

Till then...

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 2:43 AM | 0 comments

Monday, October 11, 2004

OCT 8 Pics!

That's Shufang...sweet gal!!hehe

"Gals just wanna have fun!!"

The two dudes who were with me at Phuture. Thats my neighbour John on the left and TiNKY MArc!!haha

Hm...why Nicole always like to take pics with her tongue sticking out?*Wondering*

Birthday Boy Jasper!!Somebody had too much to drink!!Face all red!!Hm...or you cheated by goin sun tanning b4 clubbing huh Jasper??haha ; p

Hm...I found another pic with the tongue sticking out!!haha
Hm...why do gals like to stick out their tongue when they take pictures huh?lol

"Is John trying to kiss up to my new digi CAM??" hm......

Okay..thats all peeps!!

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 1:24 PM | 0 comments