Sunday, August 15, 2004

Friday nite

Friday ritual...after work,buy movie tickets for the guys.Meet up at lido,have a puff.Make our down to Coffee CLub and chilled till its movie time.Everybody squeeze into the car...head out to our next supper place.Chill and laugh and bitch!And my favourite part...annoy the guys!!Especially Marcus!!haha..I'm the only i guess it gives me the right to bitch at Marcus!!ahahaha...the easy and fun target!!haha..So yeah...I always look forward to the weekend.Its the time where I get to meet kwok too!hehe...So yeah,unfortunately,there was another car incident as soon as we reach Al-Ameen.Marcus..acting all so manly broke the car handle.So we spent like 2 hours finding a solution to the problem.John was pissed at the situation.Never have I seen him so pissed.Barry had sinus again...used up all the tissues and MArcus...just not in the mood.Sigh...All they need a good massage!!wahahaha..

So mum thought i had a boyfren.She said,"If you hv a boyfren,tell me.At least I know you're with a MAN!!"===WAT the hell??
I swear i wanted to laugh at that instant... was dying to tell her not MAN but MEN!!(Hello?Isn't 3 guys with you better than 1?3 to protect me at nite!!wahahaha)
So yeah..anyways,she said no more midnite show for me and if i wanted to..must bring my bro along.Wat the fuck!!Because..the idea of me spending my time with 3 Chinese guys freaks her out...not exactly freak her out but..I guess she is just afraid of wat people might say.Get wat I mean?Ah well...she doesn't know that these guys have been there for me all these time..and not only them..but other guys too.And all are not MALAY!!TAke note...only a handful.So point being...other colours in my personal experience are good.Come on la Mummy...they are harmless la.I watched them go thru puberty ya knw...we've known each other long already.So isn't it better I'm with 3 frens than with a boyfren in the middle of the nite?Make sense mother??Go think la...if I were with my be more worried!!Yr brain will start to think other wise...and there and then u wished that I were with my frens!!hahah...k hera..better stop talking to urself. usual la...we had fun slacking together...just like any other day!
Lets just keep our fingers crossed that everything for John is good!!

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 1:59 AM | 0 comments


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