Monday, July 12, 2004

A brand new outlook...

I've been hibernating for the past 3 days.Watched tv,sleep,eat and more sleep.Haven been going out much money.haha..I think I better get a job real soon...for some obvious reasons,I just need to occupy myself with useful things??hehe..Ah well...anyways,I coloured my hair yesterday.Acconmpanied Niza to Hair Culture..she had a haircut and a new colour.In the meantime..while I was there,I was just so tempted to colour my hair.I called my mum,after much persuasion,she said yes.YES!!!I coloured my hair darker than my previous hair.I kinda like the hair colour now...I look more friendly and warm...not that I was not warm and friendly before but I look really...uhmm...aiyah wateva it is...I like my new hair colour now.I cut my fringe a was spur of the moment thing.No regrets...i look different a little but hey..its still the same old Hera you now.haha.

Been talking to him for the pass few days...I miss him..damn...
All I want is for him to be happy...find lightness in the heart and not be troubled with wat who and some questions that answers has yet to be found.Just happy and light"my heart feels heavy" in the morning.Babe,you know how I feel abt you...I guess I know how you feel abt me too.Ah well...we shall see how this story of us goes huh? can sing ya know...haha...

Its a brand new semester...brand new people in sch...all brand new environment.WAteva it is...all may be brand new to you...but wat you are and wat you faced...its still the same.Your friends,your love ones...they still stay.Hugs...

I'm really glad to have friends that love me,understand me,stood by me...was always there for me.I feel so blessed to have you people in my life...I really do.Thanks for everything you've given me.Love you to the maxes!!

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 1:11 AM | 0 comments


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