Monday, June 14, 2004


I admit that I am afraid of making commitments...but there is a risk to it.You might lose that special someone...he/she might go astray...insecurity settles in...I really dunno wat other reasons there are to it...but there are risks.But I guess it takes lots of trust,understanding and compromising too.I admit the reason why i dun like making commitments is because I fear of getting hurt.Yes..HURT...I fear that the most.I hate it...the feeling sucks..sometimes it makes you feel its the end of the world.Most of the time..I run away from getting hurt...but just can't.Especially if you have that special someone.At times I go into seclusion...but this is not the only reason why I go into seclusion.I just need reflect on some soul-searching...because I've yet to find inner peace from within and wat I want out of this lifetime.I just want everthing to be be great.Hm...only James can testify on why we go into seclusion.The feeling after that is just great...its as though we've been reborn!Like I said before...facing reality hurts!So thats why we go into seclusion..just away from everyone...just me alone and my chosen surroundings and influences!

He said:"You never know unless you try."

Yeah...I gotta try...try everything...but first...I gotta overcome my fear.That's a big challenge for me!

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 2:05 PM | 0 comments


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