Friday, March 05, 2004
My body lies over the ocean......
I'm still bloody awake!Feeling bloated since my last meal which was like hours ago!I had dinner with my BPOS friends...kinda like a farewell dinner.We went to Marina South for steam boat and bbq!Man...the crabs was solid!!I couldn't help myself!!The prawns...oh fresh and juicy!!They were fresh from the tank.Even when they've been caught,they're still alive!!haha...and I...the mean devil had the pleasure of killing them...more like cooking them.First they were grey...went it started to cook...the prawns started to wriggle a little bit...slowly...counting down to time of their death!! turned red!!Its cooked...I started peeling it...its HOT!!Yum yum...its GOOD!!!Oh man...the wonders of cooking!! made Nicky disgusted!!haha. I started to play with the live prawns...playing with their tiny little feets...haha!!Man oh man...sadist in action!!LOL. Overall...dinner was great.Its so much fun!Its kinda hard to think that individuals that are world's apart are having dinner on the same table!!But I HAVE NO REGRETS!!I have no PROFESSIONAL training!!LOL...okay...I know I sound crazy...must the watermelon I had for dessert!!Oh oh!!I cooked chilli crabs rite???haha...but its all good!!It was a great nite...I was laughing like hell man...almost teary eyed!!Till my stomach hurts!!To Lionel,Nicky,Nicole and Liqin....without you jokers...I'll probably...literally die of boredom!!!haha
Where's Val???When is she coming back??CArol has got stomach pain...hope she's well!
May so in love....sigh...when is my turn??
Where is the love???There's only one love!But who???(lost track of reality...someone slap hera pls)
Okay...goodnite...its 310 early morning later.Must conduct briefing for the next stopover!
LADies and GentlEmen!!I, the bitch whom some of you hate or love DEarly will go TO EvEnT ManAgeMent!!I have no regrets meeting you people in BPOS-B...its a lesson learnt!I love most of you lots!!Hugs...but no kisses!!Because kisses blown are kisses wasted.And kisses aren't kisses unless they're tasted!So, I've got a better idea!!"Kiss my ass baby!!It's vaccinated!!" ;p