Thursday, August 07, 2003

Freak Show

You guys won't believe this. I was on my way to work on Monday(04/08) as usual...taking the only convenient transport available,the train. So I was looking around rite...and there was this guy rite,real short okay...I mean when he sits,his toes are tip-toed on the train floor. So anyway,I was real tired that day,dragging my arse to work...listening to my music.When suddenly...this 'shorty' came up to me and gave me a folded pink heart shaped paper and put it on my bag which was on my lap.Haha...can you believe it??In my mind, I'm like.."What the hell?"Luckily, I was looking down..god knows if I wasn't listening to my music and looking up..I wondered what will happen.After that...he left the train as soon as he put the pink 'shit' on my bag.My first reaction was.."What the hell!" and flick the paper away from my bag!!It fell on the flor and I kept on stepping on it.Kicking it backwards..behind the seat.Got knows if there's antrax or something!haha...After that...I was pretty much embarrassed and kept on grumbling.."What the hell!Bloody freak!" The 2 MATS sitting next to me was giggling away and I said to him.."Did you see that?What a freak!!" and his response was..."Ya..."So humiliating!!! any case to those who are interested to know what was written in the paper...I really dun know. Cause I didn't dare to open it...Cause I didn't dare touch it!!!Even though part of me wants to know..out of curiosity only...I still didn't open it. I mean..I'm not interested or anything. So yeah...I guess only the two mat in the train knows. I guess...after I have exit the train..I bet they might have opened it!Haha...nevertheless...I guess this is one of those days in my life....Muakaka!

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 5:46 PM | 0 comments


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