Friday, July 25, 2003


I spent almost half of the day attending my final theory lesson and the revision classes!I dun't know what drives me to keep pushing myself to pass my final theory exams the idea of driving to sch everyday...having my own vechicle...I guess I'm yearning for convenience!And also...I guess to fulfill my granny's hopes of me driving during Hari Raya.So that she can brag and be proud of her grand daughter's achievements!!haha...Nevertherless, it's going to be a long long tiring process before I can just sit and be the woman behind the wheel!!hehe...I know some of my friends are just dying for me to get my license but my dear dearies,my practical only starts in Sept. I'll try to put in lots of effort and get my license ASAP!!Yup...soon'll be in my Honda Fit!!haha...thats what my parents gonna get I won't be exactly mine mine...but my dad told me that once I get my license..I'll be the one driving!!!Woohoo!!Gosh...I just can't wait any longer!!Its driving me crazy!!!haha...yeah rite!

inoera lost her thoughts in here @ 8:35 PM | 0 comments


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